Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Dec 16th: Last appointment until baby comes
Heartbeat of the day was 149bpm. Again I don't know what I was measuring but whatever lol! Doc and I had a good talk about whether to induce or not on thur. I am not feeling the whole induction craze though and expressed my concerns and she agreed to not induce me :) YAY! She said "if you're not at peace with it than we won't do it!". Soo now I do have to do daily kick counts and go in for non stress tests every tue/fri. She did give me a check and I'm 3-4cm's dialated and fully soft. She also swept my membranes and i contracted on and off all that night but it petered out on me by around 10ish :( Sucks but it's a start right ;) I can't wait to meet this lil one but am not ready to give him/her the unatural push to get it out, so for now we play the waiting game...
Friday, December 12, 2008
Dec 8, 2008 : 39.5 week appointment
Not much to update with. Heartbeat was 140bpm (baby was resting). Doc forgot to tell me how far along lil one measured since she was so behind (an hour). She did mention an induction for the 18th but we'll see about that. I'm not comfortable with induction but I have one more appointment to discuss my thoughts on that one with the doc on Tue. Hopefully babe will have come before then!!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
38.5 week appointment
Ok forgot to post last weeks stuff and tomorrow is my next appointment. Here's the lowdown of last week: 159bpm for the heartrate, measured 38 weeks and I'm still here :( Blech!! I'll be 40 weeks on wed.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
37.5 week appointment
All is well here. My appointment was yesterday Nov 24th and all is well with the babe. Heartbeat was at 150 and is measuring about 36 weeks. Otherwise not much to update. Doc was asking me when I thought I'd deliver so I don't think she has a clue when it will be lol!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
35 Weeks Update!
I had my 35 week appointment today and all is well with me and the babe. Baby is measuring 34weeks with a heartbeat of 144bpm. Doc did the good old gbs swab test today and gave me my paperwork to bring to the hospital to do my pre-admition. She checked me too and the only progress so far is that I'm soft but still long and the baby's head is really low (and I can feel that one too lol). I go back for my next appointment at 37 weeks.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
32 Week Appointment

Had my 32 week appointment today and it all went well other than the doc being super backed up and yet I was the first appointment of the day ;) Baby #3's heartbeat was 156bpm and if I heard the doc right was measuring 30 weeks, so measuring small this week I guess. I got my glucose test results back too and they were perfect YAY! Which is good because I was worried since I decided to have this mega chocolate bar thing that Eric had made an hour prior to going. Well I'll leave you all with my 30 week belly pic to end things off :) Enjoy!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
28 week appointment & Kiddo Updates!
Not much to report for this appointment. Baby's heartbeat was 150bpm and is measuring a week ahead at 29 weeks. We'll see how that goes though and if baby stays at that :) The kids did great at the appointment, though snacks definitely helped with that one ;) I can't believe how quickly this time is going, after my next appointment I'll be going every 2 weeks already. And the next appointment is booked for the 16th of October :)
Seth got his 18 month shots not that long ago too and did amazingly well! One whimper and that was it!! He's weighing in at 28lbs 6oz and is now 31 & 7/8"s long!
Sophia started playschool a couple weeks ago and is LOVING it! Which is great but it's sometimes hard to get her to leave lol! ;) She's in the morning class and always has something she made/colored to bring home to put on the fridge. I'm so glad that she is doing so well and while I keep asking her if she's made any friends she say's no even though I'm sure she has :)
Seth got his 18 month shots not that long ago too and did amazingly well! One whimper and that was it!! He's weighing in at 28lbs 6oz and is now 31 & 7/8"s long!
Sophia started playschool a couple weeks ago and is LOVING it! Which is great but it's sometimes hard to get her to leave lol! ;) She's in the morning class and always has something she made/colored to bring home to put on the fridge. I'm so glad that she is doing so well and while I keep asking her if she's made any friends she say's no even though I'm sure she has :)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Madame Zaritska's reading that predicts my birth lol!
Madame Zaritska's reading
Madame Zaritska, our resident clairvoyant, wants to help you prepare for the arrival of your child. Here she does her best to predict certain aspects of your labor and birth experience.
What she senses for you
The day you deliver, outside will be warm. Your baby will arrive in the morning.
After a labor lasting approximately 5 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 6 pounds, 12 ounces, and will be 19-1/2 inches long. This child will have light brown eyes and be completely bald.
But there is more. I sense that you are feeling some stress. This is very normal. However, I would like to suggest that you try some of these methods to pamper yourself a bit.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Appointment update and Ultra-sound results!!
Had our 21 week appointment today and it went really well. Baby's heartbeat was 166bpm and measuring right on track. I've been feeling rather quiet tired lately and though I'd ask the doc to check my thryroid/iron levels to make sure that they weren't the cause just in case. Seems like I can always fall asleep lately.
We also got the results back from the ultrasound that we had a couple weeks back and everything is looking good with the lil one. He/she is measuring right on track and very healthy :) YAY! That made me very happy to hear! And for those who are wondering what lil one is will have to wait just a bit longer. You know till around Dec ;) This lil one is going to remain a surprise a lil bit longer which is ok with me :) Here are the ultrasound pics for now :)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Pre-natal appointment # 3 at 18 weeks along
I had a prenatal appointment on the 9th of July. It went just as all the others I have had have gone other than my Mom and niece got to be there to hear the heartbeat (161bpm). It was pretty typical and routine. Doc measured my belly surprisingly (thought I wasn't far enough along to start that) and the baby is measuring small already but that is ok, he/she has plenty of time to catch up yet. We have the "BIG" ultra-sound scheduled for next week (July 23rd). Eric wants to find out what the baby is but I am still going back and forth on if I want to know. I guess we'll see when we're there on how I'm feeling about it. Just thought I'd do a quick update for now and will sure try to get on after the ultrasound for another quick one. For now that is all :)
Friday, June 13, 2008
Here we go again!
I've been told that I really need to start this up again and really I never meant to stop but as you all know life just gets in the way and here we are and it's June already! Sophia turned 3 in Feb and Seth turned 1 in March. But Lo and Behold at the end of March what do we discover that we are now preggo with #3!! Wow what a surprise! It's already been 3 months since we found that tidbit of news out and I'm sitting at about 14 weeks along now. But enough of that here are some mini updates:
Sophia: Has become her own lil girl and is full of attitude so watch out!! There's no fighting with this one once she's made up her mind. With her attitude has come some independence but not to much of course ;) We all certainly can't wait till she's out of the terrible 3's and hope for our calm lil girl to come back someday in the future!
Seth: Is a crazy climber!! That's all he does and is his main goal when it comes to play now. He's a big boy to at 25lbs 9oz and his height at 29" and 1/4. Still not to many words and is looking to go the way of few words till the age of 2 just like his sister. He's still a very happy boy and smiles all the time and is very easy to get laughing :)
Baby #3: I just had my second pre-natal for baby #3 on Tue June 10th, 2008 (14 weeks along) and everything is going good. The kids and I got to hear the lil ones heart beat which was beating at a whopping 166bpm! Otherwise there really isn't much to say since these appointments are pretty much all the same. We have booked my 20week ultrasound for July 23rd up in Edmonton. We have yet to decide/agree if we should find out the gender of this lil one. Though Sophia is convinced it's a "sister" and loves to cuddle my belly lately and argues if we suggest that the lil one could be a baby brother lol!
Till next time Everyone!
Sophia: Has become her own lil girl and is full of attitude so watch out!! There's no fighting with this one once she's made up her mind. With her attitude has come some independence but not to much of course ;) We all certainly can't wait till she's out of the terrible 3's and hope for our calm lil girl to come back someday in the future!
Seth: Is a crazy climber!! That's all he does and is his main goal when it comes to play now. He's a big boy to at 25lbs 9oz and his height at 29" and 1/4. Still not to many words and is looking to go the way of few words till the age of 2 just like his sister. He's still a very happy boy and smiles all the time and is very easy to get laughing :)
Baby #3: I just had my second pre-natal for baby #3 on Tue June 10th, 2008 (14 weeks along) and everything is going good. The kids and I got to hear the lil ones heart beat which was beating at a whopping 166bpm! Otherwise there really isn't much to say since these appointments are pretty much all the same. We have booked my 20week ultrasound for July 23rd up in Edmonton. We have yet to decide/agree if we should find out the gender of this lil one. Though Sophia is convinced it's a "sister" and loves to cuddle my belly lately and argues if we suggest that the lil one could be a baby brother lol!
Till next time Everyone!
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