Thursday, December 17, 2009
My baby is 1 today!
Speaking of siblings, Sophia had her last day of playschool until the new year and had a xmas party to celebrate. She wore her pretty red sparkly dress and even got to see Santa when there. I would have loved to stay to see it all but unfortunately Evan is sick and has conjuctivitis (essentially pink eye) and it was also his nap time. I wish things had worked out so i could have stayed but such is life. Seth is a big boy and doing well with potty training however i still am not able to get him to stay dry in underwear....I'm wondering when that lil tidbit will sink in for him, but I'm not pushing it either. It will happen when it happens and hopefully before he goes to playschool next year.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVAN! I hope life is as sweet to you as you are to me!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
New Kitty
Sophia is enjoying playschool and I'm enjoying taking her a whole lot more this year. She goes in the afternoon which allows me lots of time in the morning to get her and the boys ready and there's way less rushing around when it comes time to take her to school.
Seth is doing great at potty training and I think it's safe to say he's potty trained when naked, he'll take himself and wipe and everything. We are now currently working on him not have accidents when he has pants on (no underwear, just pants). He's doing well but does have the odd accident here and there. Either way I'd say he's making big progress!
Evan is officially crawling and sitting up on his own! Amazing what can happen in just a month! He's such a happy boy, but still needs to learn to sleep better in the day I will get him to sleep longer than a two hour stretch! Hard to believe though that Evan will be 1 in just two months! Where has the time gone by??
Sunday, September 13, 2009
As Summer comes to an end it opens up new beginings!
Sophia is a growing weed and has an interest in owning all the toys she sees on the shelves at walmart. She's still very much into tinkerbell, princess's and torturing Seth whenever however she can. Sophia is very excited to start her second year of playschool in two days (Sept 15th, 2009). She'll be going in the afternoon this year from 1-3pm on Tuesday/Thursday. Some exciting news is that Sophia read her first word: Sat!
Seth is busy growing boy too of course, but seems to be into less which is a nice relief. Eric and I are currently in the midst of trying to potty train Seth and he is doing pretty good so far. He seems to got it with pee so long as he has got no pants on. However we did have a poop accident when we were outside and he proceeded to poop on the sidewalk. He will get it eventually and I'm so glad to have hope on the horizon of having less diapers to change!!
Evan is a busy growing boy as well. I have no idea how much he weighs or how tall he is just right now since I haven't taken him in just yet to find out. He's a sitting and army crawling boy. Well he's army crawling for now anyways, he rocks on his hands and knees and is trying to figure out the normal way of crawling, but for now he gets around quite well. He's a very happy and smiley baby who just needs to learn how to sleep better during the night.
We right now are in the process of purging in our house. We have to much stuff and I still have lots of baby clothes from Sophia that need to go to the second hand store. We also are trying to get the basement room ready for Sophia to move down into so that we can put Evan into her old room, but in order to do that we need to finishing purging some more stuff. It's amazing what you can accumulate over the years. We've gotten rid of quite a bit and still have lots more to go.
On a last note I'm proud to say that I've already begun Christmas shopping :)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
She's doing Great!
Evan gets shots at the end of the month :( I'm not looking forward to it but am excited to see how much he has grown!!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Almost All Week!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
New Glasses!

Sophia has her new glasses now. Got them on March 26th and boy does she look cute in them! We are slowly getting her used to them and working up to her wearing them the whole day. So far so good but she does ask occasionally to take them off or to have them adjusted so they don't hurt her nose. We'll get there though.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
And lil stat update:
Sophia at 4yrs old: 39.75" Tall, 39lbs 5oz
Seth at 23months old: 33.5" Tall, 29lbs 11oz
Evan at 2 months old: 23" Long, 16lbs
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Dec 18th, 2008 Evan Robert Beaudry Arrives!!

Short: Evan Robert was born Dec 18, 2008 @ 8:35pm. 8lbs 6.5oz, 20"long.
All day I suspected I had a leak but was in denial. After supper we finally decided that maybe we should go and have it checked jic. I called up my sis to come get/watch the kids. As I was busy getting things together I started to have some mild contractions.My sis came by and got the kids and we left shortly after at about 7:15pm. We get to the hospital to find out that my water was deff leaking and I was contracting more by then as well. Doc comes in and asks if she can break my water since I'm measuring at about 5/6cm dialated and I agree. She takes off to have some supper (i think this was around 8ish), and things really took off from there. Things got very intense very fast and suddenly I had to push!! Baby's shoulders did get a lil stuck, but doc managed to move him just enough so that Evan joined us after only a couple mins of pushing at 8:35pm! Doc just made it in time to deliver him lol! I have no idea if she even got to eat her supper ;) lol! Evan is doing well but is a bit of a chomper nurser (just like his brother was), once we work through that I'm sure nursing will go well :) He's also starting to get a bit jaundice but I'm sure he'll be fine as well :) So there is the super speedy delivery of Evan Robert :) I can't believe he is here and he's just wonderful!!