Today is making up for yesterday. The only thing calling me today is backed up Laundry, and possibly making some meals for the kids ;) I'm sitting here in comfy pants and enjoying my day of sitting!!
I did start the Sims 3 Challenge last night... I feel a bit dorky though writing it out so we'll see if I continue that part, though I will still do the challenge just maybe without the blog?? lol! Though if you want to check out my geekiness it can be found here.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Sims 3
I'm a geek. I know it. and I'm debating on doing the Sims 3 Legacy challenge that has been posted. If I do I'll create a separate blog to document it there (part of the challenge I believe is to document it). There's lots of rules and it's supposed to go on for 10 generations. I'm currently playing my 5th generation on my current saved game, but I've used cheats and such so it won't be allowed to count, plus I haven't documented it at all. If you're into Sims 3 you can find the challenge here.
On to matters of today. We have been BUSY! I have barely had a chance to sit down today since about noon. Made lunch for the kids, took Sophia to playschool, went and got catfood from the vet and 20min drive one way, came back and tried to get Evan to nap for a little bit before we had to go pick Sophia up, but he decided to poop instead, picked Sophia up, went and got milk, and decided to go visit their Daddy at work since he was working nearby for once and only up the road. The kids loved it! Seth the most though, Sophia thought it was loud and only wanted to stay in the doghouse with me and Evan. So afterwards I put them in the car and snapped a couple pics. It was pretty neat getting to see what my hubby does a little closer. Believe it or not for the past 7 years that hubby has been at this work I've only visited him maybe 2 times?? I think this was my 3rd time visiting.
On to matters of today. We have been BUSY! I have barely had a chance to sit down today since about noon. Made lunch for the kids, took Sophia to playschool, went and got catfood from the vet and 20min drive one way, came back and tried to get Evan to nap for a little bit before we had to go pick Sophia up, but he decided to poop instead, picked Sophia up, went and got milk, and decided to go visit their Daddy at work since he was working nearby for once and only up the road. The kids loved it! Seth the most though, Sophia thought it was loud and only wanted to stay in the doghouse with me and Evan. So afterwards I put them in the car and snapped a couple pics. It was pretty neat getting to see what my hubby does a little closer. Believe it or not for the past 7 years that hubby has been at this work I've only visited him maybe 2 times?? I think this was my 3rd time visiting.
The Rig
You can see my hubby peaking out and smiling :)
Hubby in his sexy, but dirty coveralls.
Monday, March 22, 2010
City Time
Went to the city today to get the usual round of family needs, rent movies and have lunch...not all in that order. We had to pick up a new crib mattress for Evan since our old ones seem to be falling to pieces... 25year warranty (I think that is what it was) my butt, and we bought them so long ago that we have no receipt, and we didn't register them either (I don't think they did that at the time anyways that I know of). Anyways so we bought him a new one and it seems ok, but it seems to be a bit wider. I'm not so sure about this since it was a tough fit to get into the crib and then to bring up the side of the crib was pretty tough as well. We'll see how it goes later on tonight, but I just might take it back if I can't work the crib properly.
We enjoyed a nice lunch at Smitty's since that was what the kids requested, so they could sit by the fish tank they have there. Sophia started the meal with giving us quite the disrespectful attitude, but after two very stern talking toos she seemed to come around and behaved much better after that for the rest of the day :)
I'm very excited, my new cloth diapers came in and I got to pick them up! I got 4 new applecheeks and 2 AMP's! I look forwards to having them to use! They are both similar looking diapers so I’m excited to see what the difference is if any. So far I just see small cosmetic changes. Tomorrow I get to try them out and see!! :)
We enjoyed a nice lunch at Smitty's since that was what the kids requested, so they could sit by the fish tank they have there. Sophia started the meal with giving us quite the disrespectful attitude, but after two very stern talking toos she seemed to come around and behaved much better after that for the rest of the day :)
I'm very excited, my new cloth diapers came in and I got to pick them up! I got 4 new applecheeks and 2 AMP's! I look forwards to having them to use! They are both similar looking diapers so I’m excited to see what the difference is if any. So far I just see small cosmetic changes. Tomorrow I get to try them out and see!! :)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Outside Fun...or not so fun..
We got back from dropping Sophia off at playschool and the deck was clear enough of snow that I thought Evan might actually want to play outside too. I put him outside and nope, nada. Didn't move an inch. I dont' think he knew what to make of the cleared off deck. The most he moved was when he fell down and cried. I took pity on him then and brought him inside. Perhaps i'll find some rubber soled shoes and see if that helps him walk outside better. Good thing we are making a trip to walmart tomorrow :) I'm so happy it's getting nicer outside :)
(uhhhh, I aint' moving for no one)
What doing Mom??
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Busy Busy Weekend!!
I have had a busy weekend. Friday was a trip to the city to see a great friend to do a photoshoot for her little boy, who is 3 months old now! Hard to believe! Saturday was Seths 3rd birthday and that day was chock full of cleaning and a duel family party for Seth and my Nephew who turned 14! My parents came up for the weekend so there was lots of visiting too. Today we've been able to relax just a bit more which has been nice. The house is now back to it's former destroyed status. Thanks kidlets! ;) Pictures below!
Photoshoot Pictures:
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Play Dates!
I've arranged a play date tomorrow for my little girl with a friend from her playschool. That means my house needs to be cleaned ASAP! My house is normally trashed with toys and I've given up a long time ago trying to keep up with it minus when company is coming. Easy enough to do with the older two, well mostly anyways, but with a cranky baby this could be interesting.
This will be transformed later on to something a little more tidy (believe it or not this is actually cleaner than it was a half hour before the pic was taken)
Here's Monster cracking a smile pretending he's not miserable while stuffing his face with crackers.
Edited: here's the clean basement to be destroyed
Monday, March 8, 2010
I think to much!
So I've been thinking...besides that I think to much. .. That I need a better name for my blog. You paste up above it looks like Tammy stakes, blech! I don't like it! I loved it at first, but now not so much.
I've also become aware my blog is very plain, I need to post more pics. So be it! I will a bit.
I'm having troubles with my ipod touch and getting it to connect to my wireless connection...sooo annoying!! It was connected and now it's not...What's going on?
Here is a pic from yesterday, It was nice out so I sent the kids out to play while Evan napped, They had a blast! I think they were out there for a good 45mins :)
I've also become aware my blog is very plain, I need to post more pics. So be it! I will a bit.
I'm having troubles with my ipod touch and getting it to connect to my wireless connection...sooo annoying!! It was connected and now it's not...What's going on?
Here is a pic from yesterday, It was nice out so I sent the kids out to play while Evan napped, They had a blast! I think they were out there for a good 45mins :)
And lets not forget mess faced Evan
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