It's late and I should be in bed, but nah I decided I must blog instead. Putting it off I guess, which is silly of me since Someone is coming by at 10am and it's already almost 1am. What can I say I'm a night owl!
So the other week or so I decided I needed a new lens for my camera. I have a Canon Rebel xti with the kit lens and it's just not cutting it, especially for inside. It does pretty good outside however and will made do for now for that. I did what seemed like endless research over probably close to a week before I finally settled on Canon's EF 50mm f1.4 USM lens. The price was right and was reviewed as the photographers must have by a many people (well the 50mm size, not just this lens in specifics). So I ordered away and after it arrived I had to try on right away, and can I say!! I'm in LOVE! This is a wicked wicked wicked lens! It does exactly what I want it to and the pictures are sooo clear! My dream of becoming a pro photographer seems just that much closer to becoming real!
A few pictures of course:
Playing with the depth of field
My boy monkeying around
Evan's slipper obssession

Sophia being my lil model
My coloring girl
Don't you just love how it seems to just freeze moments in time? I love it! I deffinately find myself taking even more pictures which is great, and it gives me plenty of chances to practice practice practice! and who better to practice on my own kids!!
And finally to share some favorite moments with my kids today include the kids playing on the deck today and in the sandbox. Sophia's creativity and imagination, I think she was a horse, faerie, unicorn and many other things today. Seth took a nap today in the car on the way home so was up later than the others, and while he was up he was just facinated watching his daddy play his war game on the computer. Evans cutest moment had to be when he was playing fetch with his his sucky! He gets so excited and is soo cute!
I love my kids!
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