Sunday, July 20, 2008

19.5 Week Belly Pic!!

I finally broke down and got Eric to take a belly pic. So here it is!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pre-natal appointment # 3 at 18 weeks along

I had a prenatal appointment on the 9th of July. It went just as all the others I have had have gone other than my Mom and niece got to be there to hear the heartbeat (161bpm). It was pretty typical and routine. Doc measured my belly surprisingly (thought I wasn't far enough along to start that) and the baby is measuring small already but that is ok, he/she has plenty of time to catch up yet. We have the "BIG" ultra-sound scheduled for next week (July 23rd). Eric wants to find out what the baby is but I am still going back and forth on if I want to know. I guess we'll see when we're there on how I'm feeling about it. Just thought I'd do a quick update for now and will sure try to get on after the ultrasound for another quick one. For now that is all :)