Monday, July 26, 2010

Lost my groove

Well I was doing good and then seemed to have lost my groove for blogging. I go in spurts I suppose, but then i guess some once in a while is better than nothing at all.

It's summertime here and boy you wouldn't know it much by the weather we've been having. Lots of rain means lots of days inside for us which is driving us all batty. I don't mind so much since i'm an indoor kinda gal, but the kids are deffinately fighting more than usual. I do let them go outside when it's cloudy and rainy but most times they are back inside after ten minutes. These are the days when I wish we still lived in the city and had access to more things to do. Hopefully August has more sun in store for us than what we've gotten so far. Especially since we are planning a vacation for the middle of it.

I will leave off with a couple pics of the kids: