Thursday, December 17, 2009

My baby is 1 today!

I'm up late and realize that today my baby is 1! He's getting so big and learning so much and I kinda just want him to stay small for a little bit longer. As of today he's a cruising, saying mom, dad, and uhoh monster. He loves his food and screams at whoever he sees with any until they give him some. He's so smiley and cuddly and curious too! Always wants to see what his sister and brother are up to and gets mad when they close him out (of the room).

Speaking of siblings, Sophia had her last day of playschool until the new year and had a xmas party to celebrate. She wore her pretty red sparkly dress and even got to see Santa when there. I would have loved to stay to see it all but unfortunately Evan is sick and has conjuctivitis (essentially pink eye) and it was also his nap time. I wish things had worked out so i could have stayed but such is life. Seth is a big boy and doing well with potty training however i still am not able to get him to stay dry in underwear....I'm wondering when that lil tidbit will sink in for him, but I'm not pushing it either. It will happen when it happens and hopefully before he goes to playschool next year.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVAN! I hope life is as sweet to you as you are to me!