Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sims 3

I'm a geek. I know it. and I'm debating on doing the Sims 3 Legacy challenge that has been posted. If I do I'll create a separate blog to document it there (part of the challenge I believe is to document it). There's lots of rules and it's supposed to go on for 10 generations. I'm currently playing my 5th generation on my current saved game, but I've used cheats and such so it won't be allowed to count, plus I haven't documented it at all. If you're into Sims 3 you can find the challenge here.

On to matters of today. We have been BUSY! I have barely had a chance to sit down today since about noon. Made lunch for the kids, took Sophia to playschool, went and got catfood from the vet and 20min drive one way, came back and tried to get Evan to nap for a little bit before we had to go pick Sophia up, but he decided to poop instead, picked Sophia up, went and got milk, and decided to go visit their Daddy at work since he was working nearby for once and only up the road. The kids loved it! Seth the most though, Sophia thought it was loud and only wanted to stay in the doghouse with me and Evan. So afterwards I put them in the car and snapped a couple pics. It was pretty neat getting to see what my hubby does a little closer. Believe it or not for  the past 7 years that hubby has been at this work I've only visited him maybe 2 times?? I think this was my 3rd time visiting.

The Rig

You can see my hubby peaking out and smiling :)

Hubby in his sexy, but dirty coveralls.

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